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Travel Insurance

  • Travel Direct
  • 13 Nov 2022

Travel insurance provides financial protection if you face certain problems when you’re travelling or on holiday. It covers a range of possibilities, from lost luggage to the cost of medical care if you become ill or have an accident. Find out how it works, why it’s so important and what you need to think about when taking it out.

What should travel insurance cover?

Travelling without insurance could leave you paying a hefty price if something were to go wrong.

Depending on the policy, travel insurance pays out in a wide range of circumstances.

Most policies include cover for:

lost or stolen bags (with baggage cover an extra in some policies)

emergency medical expenses, such as the cost of treatment and getting you home

the costs of cancelling, delaying or cutting your trip short (with cancellation cover sometimes an additional extra)

disruptions to travel or accommodation, such as delays and cancellations

legal costs, in case you’re sued for damaging property or causing injury.

And the most recent requirement is COVID19 cover.

The exact cover available will vary significantly between different insurers and policies. 

It’s important to note that each  country has its own specific cover requirements when it comes to travel insurance and you will not be granted a visa without the right cover.

So it’s imperative to be familiar with the country you are traveling to and its policies and procedures.

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